Ambulance EMT we are your.... 

Emergency Medical Technicians



Ambulance EMT was proudly formed 2006 to assist in event medical coverage, patient transport and medical training.  We truly care, and it really does show in everything we do.  

We don't send first aider's our in their car and hope all goes well. We staff our ambulances with range of officers  a Paramedic or EMT as a minimum, along with the options of nurses and first responders, rescue dive medics and doctors, each with many years of experience, to provide the level of care you need. We pride ourselves on our professionalism and very high standard of care and will never compromise.  

As a smaller North Island based company, Ambulance EMT pride ourselves on never overbooking events, yes this means you will always have the medical coverage you arranged and not be let down/cancelled within hours of your event.  We do provide medical coverage all over our great country, so do feel free to ask us about coverage. 




Ambulance EMT is New Zealand’s only private event company and patient transfer service to hold Telarc registration next to New Zealand’s two other Emergency Ambulance providers.  Some other private companies say they work to New Zealand, but they are not audited, registered or hold these standards.   

Piece of mind for you and your event, patient transfer or different forms of medical training. 
Working closely with our clinical medical team and medical director, through a robust risk assessment process, to ensure that the coverage you require will meet your expectations and are suited to your needs. And most of all a cost-effective solution of our services to you. 




We tailor our service to your specific needs and any incidents are dealt with calmly, professionally and with minimal disruption to your event.



Learn first aid techniques  from insightful instructors that provide ambulance care and actually have practical experience in doing what they teach.

Could you save a life? 


We come to your bedside, your home, nursing home or hospital and take you all the way; day or evening for your benefit and peace of mind.

Need help getting from A-B ?